Pier Mounted Installations
Pier Mounting Underwater Instrumentation
Mooring Systems, Inc. designs and fabricates pier and piling mounted structures for installation of underwater instrumentation.
These mechanical structures incorporate steel I-Beams with instrument mounting sleds that travel vertically up and down along pilings or other pier structure.
Allows For Real Time Current Monitoring
These special mounts were first designed by Mooring Systems in response to the National Ocean Services' (NOS) requirement to use side looking acoustic Doppler profilers mounted directly to pilings for monitoring current velocity in real time.
Their primary purpose is to aid vessels during docking operations in harbors with relatively high and variable currents. LNG plant docking sites have benefited from these systems.
Innovative Profiler Retrieval Mount System
These mounts allow the deployment and retrieval of a current profiler, without the need for divers.
Cleaning and servicing of instruments is easily accomplished with use of built-in hand winch, battery-powered chain windlass, or battery-powered rope winch.
These "Track" style mounts are robust to meet varied environmental conditions, and provide easy access at any tide condition.
Continuous lengths of up to 40 feet in length, or 2m sections that can be assembled together for any length.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Above Left: Pier mounted installation manufactured by MSI
Above Right: MSI pier mounted installation deployed in Florida
Above Left: Pier installation I-Beam support angle
Above Right: Pier installation sled assembly for ADCP buoys